
Rubrics are a traditionally helpful tool in the assessment of a variety of different skills and subjects. There are specific strategies that teachers should utilize when sharing rubrics with students as a component of an assessment that can increase student performance. Rubrics can also be helpful in the practice of assessment design, serving as a resource for identifying success criteria for both assessment and tasks that students will complete during lessons.

These rubrics have been adapted from those published by the Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Use these rubrics to inform your assessment design and integrate the assessment of 21st Century Skills. You do not need to create new and additional assessments for these skills. Ideally, assessments of the content and skills of your subject area should include organically embedded assessments of these skills. Consider modifying these analytic rubrics into holistic or single-point rubrics to meet your needs, or simply review them as a resource to support the first step in the process of establishing success criteria for your assessments.

Learning and Innovation Skills Rubrics

Creativity and Innovation

Work Creatively with Others

Implement Innovations

Reason Effectively

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Reason Effectively

Make Judgements and Decisions

Solve Problems

Communication and Collaboration

Communicate Clearly

Collaborate with Others

Media Literacy

Analyze Media

Create Media Products

Information, Communications and Technology (ICT Literacy)

Apply Technology Effectively

Flexibility and Adaptability

Adapt to Change

Life and Career Skills

Flexibility and Adaptability

Be Flexible

Initiative and Self-Direction

Manage Goals and Time

Work Independently

Be Self-Directed Learners

Social and Cross-Cultural Skills

Interact Effectively with Others

Work Effectively in Diverse Teams

Productivity and Accountability

Manage Projects

Produce Results

Leadership and Responsibility

Guide and Lead Others

Be Responsible to Others

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