Welcome and introduction



We are glad you are here! This course is designed to help teachers explore how they can implement blended and flipped learning in their classrooms.

You may be:

  • A teacher that does not have any exposure to either concept.

  • A teacher that has heard of these terms, but does not know what they mean.

  • A teacher that knows what these are, but might not know how these approaches may work in your classroom.

  • A teacher that is familiar with the concepts and has even started to incorporate these approaches into your classroom.

No matter what your background is, how much experience you may have, or how confident you may be regarding blended and flipped learning, this course hopes to lay a foundation upon which you can build and gain confidence in the creation, delivery, and management of such an approach to teaching and learning.

Learning Objectives

In this lesson, you will:

  • familiarize yourself with the course objectives and desired outcomes

  • know and understand the definition of blended learning

  • know and understand the definition of the flipped classroom

Use the the section headers to navigate through all of sections before you move onto the next lesson.

Course Overview

This course will provide you with a comprehensive look at what blended and flipped learning looks like, present approaches to crafting your lesson plans, investigate student safeguarding and data protection, and explore a learning management system.

The estimated time to complete this course is 6 hours.

If that sounds like a lot—it is! However, this course will take each of these elements step-by-step, so that the content is easier to consume, understand, incorporate, and implement into your own classroom.

Throughout this course, you will:

  • Read and learn about blended and flipped learning

  • Watch relevant videos Interact with knowledge check and reflection activities

  • Build your first lesson plan with blended and/or flipped learning model in mind

Included below is a list of objectives for each unit so that you have a clear understanding of what the focus is for each unit and what you should be able to do once you finish up each section of the course.

Unit One: Introduction to Blended and Flipped Learning

  • Know and understand the definition of blended learning

  • Know and understand the definition of the flipped classroom

  • Differentiate the concepts of blended learning and flipped learning

  • Justify why blended and flipped learning are needed in approaches to teaching

  • Discern what the roles and responsibilities for teachers and students in a blended setting

Unit Two: Deeper Dive Into Blended and Flipped Learning

  • Explore the different models of blended learning and flipped learning

  • Understand the shift in teacher and student roles in a blended and/or flipped learning environment

  • Consider objectives, priorities, time and address them appropriately when creating lessons

  • Learn how to best utilize technology in a blended and/or flipped learning experience

  • Understand the role of all stakeholders who are vital in this learning model

  • Measure student success in a blended/flipped environment

Unit Three: Craft Your First Blended and Flipped Lesson Plan

  • Understand how to set up your blended learning environment in order to optimize student learning

  • Understand how to choose the topic/lesson for your blended learning lesson plan

  • Learn the features of an effective blended learning lesson plan

  • Understand how to establish effective communication channels for students and parents

  • Understand how to create resources and use in a fair and ethical manner

Unit Four: Safeguarding and Data Protection

  • Know the difference between safeguarding and child protection Identify various types of abuse

  • Know and understand PREVENT

  • How to record and report disclosures

  • Examine case studies and speculate how to best approach the issues presented

Unit Five: Utilizing ManageBac for Your Blended and Flipped Learning Experience

  • Understand what the Pamoja Lesson Suite product is and the benefits of importing Pamoja Lesson Suite units into your classes

  • Customize your lesson planner, resources, and streams

  • Utilize the presentation mode in a live lesson or while in the classroom

  • Understand how to use messages to communicate with the entire class or other teachers

  • Create collaborative tasks using Google Docs or other online collaboration tools

  • Utilize online discussion forums in ManageBac

  • Plan, schedule, and host an online live lesson within ManageBac

  • Utilize the available assessments within Pamoja Lesson Suite courses as they are or make edits/additions as needed

  • View submissions through the Tasks & Units tab or the Gradebook tab

  • Annotate submissions using the annotation tool

  • Use the messaging tool to have a conversation with students about tasks and feedback

Introduction to blended and flipped learning

What is blended and flipped learning?

You may have heard of the terms 'blended learning' and 'flipped classrooms' before, but might not be clear in fully understanding what they mean or the similarities and differences between the two. While the two approaches may have elements that overlap one another, as well as having common objectives, they are each unique in their execution. In this lesson, you will be provided with an overview of blended learning and flipped classrooms, what they are, as well as what they are not.

Blended learning involves a combination of face to face learning (in the traditional sense) and online learning.

Online learning includes elements like written content, online assignments, discussion forums, screencasts, podcasts, games, chats, video conferences and other digital activities. These can be accessed remotely, and are typically delivered through a learning management system (known as an LMS). Online learning should not be a replacement for traditional learning but these approaches to teaching and learning can be used to complement one another in order to create a full and all-encompassing learning experience.

A flipped classroom involves the reversal of the traditional learning delivery method.

Traditional delivery of learning usually involves reading, watching and embracing the content in class, then having homework where the student completes the task(s) at home. In a flipped classroom, the course facilitator provides instructional videos or audio presentations for students to watch on their own remotely. Class time is spent on the practical application of the concepts covered prior to spending time with the instructor. To help support the learning process, the online platform can involve discussion forums and other tools where teachers and students can communicate with one another—focusing on the standards, skills, and objectives associated with the lesson.

The primary goals of flipped learning are:

  • To transform the classroom into an active learning environment

  • To provide an opportunity to enable students to learn at their own pace and comfort

  • To help individualize instruction, rather than primarily focusing on whole-class approaches

You may have already recognized that you already do some of these things in your classroom.

This course intends to not only help you understand what blended and flipped learning is, but to also build on your understanding and knowledge of these concepts, so that you can then apply the appropriate approaches that best suit you and your students’ circumstances.

Last updated