Can early childhood use a different unit template than other grades in the school?
Schools have full flexibility in the layout of their mapping templates in Atlas. They can be the same as their K-12 courses or can be different, depending on the goals of the teachers using them. It is also worth considering the organization and general expectations of the program as these will influence the way early learning curriculum is developed and used.
Is the early learning curriculum based on
time (morning meeting, center time)?
area in the room (block area, dramatic play space, or art area)?
Do the report card skills or grading periods influence your scope and sequence?
Within the larger school, do they follow a specific framework, such as a backwards design model?
When creating a unit template specifically for early childhood education, consider the implications in using Atlas’s reporting features for curriculum alignment. The ability to review curriculum for vertical alignment from PreK to the grade levels beyond could be impacted if the categories within the unit templates are not aligned.
For more information about the pros and cons of creating a unique unit template for early education grades, contact your Atlas Account Manager.
Last updated