Part 3 What are effective professional learning approaches?

“The combination [of effective professional learning approaches] creates a collaborative culture that results in a form of collective professional capital that leverages much more productive, widespread improvement in an organization than would be possible if teachers worked alone in egg-crate classrooms.”

Hargreaves and Fullan, 2012

The summary research paper, Effective Teacher Professional Development (Learning Policy Institute, 2017), shares findings on key professional learning approaches. It is worth considering these to support our holistic view of professional learning for strengthening schools. Within these approaches lies individual and collective efficacy, building pathways for motivated and empowered professional learners that nurture grassroots upskilling and capacity building.

Cognizant of the important principles of adult learning theory, we invite consideration of key questions:

How are we supporting our staff members to align their individual professional aspirations in balance with the school’s vision and mission, professional practice standards, and student outcomes?

How are we creating the conditions to support all staff members, teaching and non-teaching staff, to be able to use their expertise to make evidence-based and goal-focused choices about their own professional learning pathways?

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