Additional tasks
Tasks to complete during different times of the school year as a MYP coordinator
Interdisciplinary units (IDUs) preparation. IDUs can be done in a variety of ways from breaking down the timetable to doing them in conjunction with regular units, depending on the needs of the school. See the following resources:
ManageBac IDU help article and eBook
Policy review: Academic integrity, admissions, assessment, inclusion and language are all necessities for IB evaluation visits and should be reviewed regularly.
ATL Skill Progression. See this ATL Mapping Chart template.
Student-led conferences or opportunities for students to share learning.
Don’t do an information dump. I have been in student-led conferences where students were supposed to talk about their entire year of learning, and it is difficult for all parties to get their head wrapped around this idea. I have noticed the best type of conference or sharing of learning is when a student focuses on one or two projects they really enjoyed, and talked about the process from start to finish.
Events such as World Book Day, Pi Day, and field trips. Use this list of special days from the United Nations.
As a new coordinator, I felt compelled to organise a lot of these by myself, but as a leader of a team, it is essential to utilise your team. Work with the team at the start of the year and decide on the most important events and delegate responsibilities for your curriculum leads, pastoral leads, middle leaders, and teachers to lead different events.
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