August - October
Tasks to complete at the start of the school year as a MYP coordinator
Last updated
Tasks to complete at the start of the school year as a MYP coordinator
Last updated
The start of the school year is the time to set up expectations for the teachers, students, and parents.
Below is a checklist of areas to consider to prepare for the start of the school year.
Ensure you have signed onto MyIB as MYP coordinator at the school. Transfer your information to your new school, if applicable.
Log on to IBIS and get the previous year’s personal project and eAssessment results. Plan out how to analyze the data.
Set up the MYP Action Plan for the school year with the leadership team. See a sample below (and linked here).
Make sure annual IB dues were paid. (Typically an invoice is sent to you and the head of school.)
Audit or renewal of online subscriptions
Transition your school’s ManageBac account to the new school year
Within the assembly schedule or homeroom, schedule times to focus on learner profile (and/or approaches to learning) and give out certificates weekly/monthly. (use file > make a copy if you want to use these)
Ensure teachers have signed onto MyIB as a teacher at the school
Ensure teachers have signed in to their teacher accounts in ManageBac
Set up a PD log for teachers to understand what they already have and what they will need. Then, go to the IB Website for workshop availability. Survey staff for in house PD workshop needs.
Schedule 'Intro to MYP' sessions for new members of staff to focus on the terminology of the MYP, such as key concepts, related concepts, statement of inquiry, projects, service as action, and approaches to learning (ATL).
Schedule 'New to ManageBac' sessions for any new staff members that have not yet used ManageBac.
Create a meeting schedule with other leaders with a balance of curriculum, pastoral, whole school and sectional needs, and set up meeting expectations and minutes
Have IB posters ready for teachers to display on their walls. Some examples can be found here: Learner Profile, ATL Skills, Global Contexts, ManageBac School Resources
Share an MYP event calendar with parents. This could include celebration points, coffee mornings, and parent workshops.
Develop a Curriculum/Meet The Teacher night. Parents are always interested in meeting their teachers and know a bit about the curriculum straight away. This is a good opportunity for them to meet the teachers. Some possibilities for format could include having parents go to different classrooms or meeting all the teachers in one location.
Survey parents to find out what they want to know about MYP. This should be the basis for what workshops or coffee mornings you will deliver during the school year.
Share ManageBac Quick Start Guide for Parents at Curriculum/Meet The Teacher night.
Set up a student induction for the MYP students.
Prepare an academic integrity letter (shown below) to be signed by students.
Other forms to be signed by students and parents that may be essential include an Internet user agreement or anti-bullying document.