
Having the opportunity to live and learn abroad is a unique experience. The opportunities afforded to students crossing cultures are among the richest sources of learning and provide platforms for them to be a cultural bridge between and among worlds.

The opportunities afforded to students crossing cultures are among the richest sources of learning

With these unique experiences also comes challenges. Moving is regarded as equally as stressful as death and divorce, and returning β€˜home’ is known to be the hardest of all transitions. For students studying abroad, moving across cultures also means moving away from family, friends and all that is familiar.

With these unique experiences also comes challenges

Research confirms what experienced counsellors observe in their school communities, that unmanaged mobility is detrimental to learning. Well-managed transitions, however, can add significant value to a life and a learning journey. It's that simple and it's that hard.

According to social researchers, it is predicted that the current generation of students, Gen Z, will likely have 18 different jobs, explore six different career paths, and reside in as many as 16 different homes throughout their lifetime (1). Learning to proactively engage in the process of transition is a vital skill for success in the 21st Century. People develop and learn best when they feel safe, supported and seen. By providing focused attention and nurturing whilst students are preparing for their current transition (within schools, between schools and beyond school), we help them to more effectively engage in all transitions in life – whatever the context.

Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN) offers a variety of research-based training options and resources, created and delivered by SPAN Trainers. Through our courses and consulting, we fulfil our mission to equip transitions-care providers, schools and organisations to support and empower students, parents and staff to effectively navigate transitions, whether they are Arrivers, Stayers or Leavers. ​

Our 8-week online Laws of Transitions Certification Course is designed to help school community members develop positive transitions-care through practical strategies based on in-depth research.

For more information on course dates:

1. McCrindle, M. (2022) Gen Z - The Complete Guide, ONLINE accessed:

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