Command Terms in Inquiry Questions

When introducing a unit, MYP teachers present a series of inquiry questions.

In doing so, including command terms may be helpful.

Having students do an initial activity to think about the questions as well as address them at the end of the unit once the inquiry has been completed is an activity that many students enjoy.

However, students are often unsure of what to do with the questions or how to answer them formally. Adding a command term can help guide students in how they are to approach each of the questions. Below are some examples where the question is framed and then followed by a command term to prompt the response.

Factual Question:

  • What trade routes existed between Europe and the Far East? List

Conceptual Question:

  • How can interactions between countries lead to positive exchanges? Describe.

Debatable Question:

  • Does a more connected world benefit or harm society? Explore.

Copy and paste command terms from GRASP assignment to show how they are used to give instructions.

pageCommand Terms and Summative Assessments

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