Evaluation Visit

The inspectors are coming! No, please, seriously, just stop. It’s actually NOT an inspection. The evaluation visit is supportive and collegial in nature! The evaluation team involves the Evaluation Leader (who is the point of contact) and a Programme Leader. In case of a multi-programme or synchronised visit for more than one IB programme, an IB Chair is assigned as the point of contact before and during the visit.

The visit is arranged either remotely or in-person depending on your school’s context and with instruction from the IB. The visit is organised in collaboration with the visiting team to plan the schedule, as well as the logistics. The visiting team meets with members of the school community with a specific focus for each meeting. The visiting team is made up of educators and leaders of learning just like us. They will engage in appreciative inquiry, which is a form of professional inquiry that centres on existing positive practices within your school, to encourage a culture for growth and development (see References & Resources section).

ManageBac Consultation/Verification/Evaluation Possible Visitor Questions

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