Introduced in 2012 the IB career-related programme’s (CP) flexible and innovative framework is unique amongst IB programmes in combining both academic and vocational elements and bringing together IB elements with a requirement of an accredited career-related study (CRS).
Therefore, as CP coordinator part of your role will be understanding the requirements for the CRS (and these vary widely depending on the selected awarding body ) but this handbook will specifically address the role and responsibilities of the IB components.
This handbook aims to organise the many roles and responsibilities of the CP coordinator into practical steps each month. Each month is further broken down into sections that reflect the diverse aspects of the role.
All suggestions will of course depend on each school’s unique context. Coordinators will need to make adjustments and additions based on aspects such as the choices, requirements and guided learning hours of each CRS, the number of CP students, the range of DP subjects offered, the school's timeline and many other considerations.
Note that this guide is written for May exam session schools, but can easily be adapted for the November exam session.
It is also worth remembering that the coordinator role may be quite different for a school with an existing DP programme and a CP-only school.
Furthermore, although the IB recommends that in schools with both DP and CP programmes there are two coordinators, in reality there are many schools where one coordinator is responsible for both.
Regardless, from the IB perspective, as CP coordinator, you are the IB’s primary point of contact and you have a busy 12 months ahead!! ManageBac and this CP coordinators handbook are here to support you every step of the way.
Many of the links in this Guide are to MyIB. Please ensure you are able to log in to this system to get the most from this resource.
Last updated