Exhibition and Agency
What's your 'one word' when you think of the exhibition?
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What's your 'one word' when you think of the exhibition?
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The degree to which agency is present in the exhibition will likely correlate with the degree to which it exists in all of your learning spaces. If you want students to be agents of their own learning, start now – don’t wait for exhibition! And if you don’t know where to start, tap into this holy grail of all things agency as curated by Taryn Bond Clegg.
There are two films I suggested sharing with all members of the learning community as the journey begins. The first one, Alike, will help people see why we want kids thinking for themselves and moving independently about the world. The second one, by John Spencer, titled 'This Could Fail' will help remind us that an idea might be a total failure – but that it does not mean WE are total failures. Play them back-to-back to get the best effect.
NOTE: John has a great follow-on video called When Projects Fail which may/may not also come in handy!
What is your 'one word' when it comes to exhibition? How will "agency" feature in your exhibition journey?