How reflection is used in the reflective project
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How reflection is used in the reflective project
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The Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF) has to be submitted to the IB with your final project.
The RPPF asks you to consider the following:
challenges you have faced during the process,
how you overcame them
what you have learned.
Reflection is a constant process and it helps you to plan and refine your work. It is also important because the RPPF is used to assess Criterion E: Engagement and Reflection, which looks at your capacity to evaluate your ideas and decisions as well engage personally with the issues involved.
Each time you have a formal meeting with your supervisor you must keep a record on the form of your discussion, progress and next steps. The RRPF is provided to document the discussions with your supervisor, and this can be done on ManageBac.
Additionally, you are encouraged to use the researcher’s reflection space. Although this is not submitted or formally assessed, it can help you to keep track of your thoughts, like a journal, and prepare for meetings with your supervisor.
Image: . Unsplash, 2017.