
The role of the PYP coordinator is a multifaceted one that requires enthusiasm, organization and commitment.

In addition to supporting school staff in the ongoing implementation and growth of the programme, coordinators are responsible for communicating with stakeholders and ensuring that programme standards and practices are being upheld within the school community. This guide serves to provide considerations for coordinators to utilize along their PYP journey.

Serving in the role of PYP coordinator is exciting and rewarding! Rather than merely completing a checklist of tasks, the coordinator plays an integral role in change management for a school.

Building community, camaraderie and capacity for staff is one of the biggest impacts that a coordinator may influence. Celebrating growth milestones and shifting the culture around learning and teaching are all positive outcomes that can emerge as a result of the care and passion that a coordinator brings. In addition to providing considerations for coordinators, this guide also aims to provide encouragement and support.

The following images and captions may provide you with some ideas on how to bring your staff together.

Whether a school is in the consideration phase, candidacy phase, or an authorized PYP school, the ongoing work of the coordinator is necessary to ensure that students, staff and school leadership are collaborating and growing as learners and teachers. While this role can seem overwhelming, there are supports in place to provide guidance and information.

Consider how IB documents and representatives, such as the consultant or other IB staff (e.g., relationship manager for authorized schools, authorization relationship manager for those in the authorization process), can advise on matters that are specific to a school community.

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