Sharing an important mission
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Sharing an important mission
Last updated
Review and reflect on the mission statement of the IB.
If a mission statement is in place for the school, consider how these mission statements connect and where there may be opportunities for revision.
If a mission statement has yet to be written, consider how the vision for the school community aligns with the mission of the IB.
Review of the mission statement should occur on a regular basis and include various representatives from the learning community.
Consider how the knowledge and skills of the pedagogical leadership team can be utilized to support teachers and enhance learning for students. To support school leadership in their understanding of the PYP:
Ensure that school leadership has participated in IB training.
Invite school leadership to collaboratively develop a unit planner with a teaching team.
Encourage school leadership to visit classrooms in order to recognize and identify IB approaches to teaching or learning.
Throughout the implementation and growth of the PYP, focus on the attributes of the IB learner profile.
Encourage the use of learner profile attribute vocabulary so that it becomes a natural and authentic part of the way that members of the learning community communicate.
This may include student generated visuals, ongoing discussion and recognition of attributes among community members, school-wide monthly attribute focus initiatives, development of the media center, explicit teaching connected to the Learner Profile, etc.
ManageBac has PYP posters and sticker sets that can be downloaded and used for a variety of purposes across the school.
Communicate the purpose of the learner profile with the school community and encourage the use of this shared language as students are supported in becoming more internationally minded.