
Creating positive school cultures

Ensure that all learners have access to the PYP (as appropriate within local or national requirements). For most elementary schools, the PYP is an inclusive offering.

Consider how all populations of learners are engaged in PYP learning and teaching. This includes special education learners, early learners, etc.

Another important role a coordinator may play is in the development and review of school policies.

It is intended that these policies be in alignment with the philosophy and guidelines of the IB and provide consistency within the context of the school. Policies should be collaboratively developed, available and followed by all and regularly reviewed.

The following school policies are required by the IB:

  • Inclusion: access to the PYP for all populations within the school.

  • Academic integrity: creating cultures of ethical academic practices.

  • Language: highlighting intercultural understanding through communication, multilingualism and language acquisition/learning practices .

    • For the PYP, students are required to learn a language in addition to the language of instruction (at least from the age of seven). If students within the school are learning in multiple languages and additional language is not required.

    • The PYP coordinator may serve in creating a schedule in which students have access to language learning, while also supporting the additional language teacher in the implementation of IB approaches to teaching.

  • Assessment: sharing how a culture of continuous learning a growth is supported.

    • This policy should be aligned with local and national requirements and clearly state assessment practices that foster continuous learning and growth.

The development and ongoing review of these policies will take place collaboratively and over time.

Some policy development and review practices include:

  • Forming sub-committees of stakeholders to review alignment with IB documentation as policies are written, revisited and revised.

  • Scheduling regular and systematic exploration of policies throughout the school year.

  • Sharing policies with the greater school community via the school website and/or at parent informational sessions.

Other considerations to keep in mind as policies are developed and reviewed include:

  • The presence of the IB learner profile and international mindedness throughout policies.

  • The use of policies as documents that inform decision-making by both the school leadership and teachers in their roles.

Last updated