Guide Objectives and Outline

Guide Objectives

In this guide you will:

  • Build understanding of concept-based teaching and learning - the why, how and what?

  • Consider teaching approaches that can support conceptual thinking

  • Acquire strategies and tools for planning and instruction to support conceptual thinking

  • Expand your tool kit for designing meaningful learning experiences and assessments

  • Leave this guide with practical take-aways to try out in your own classroom

Guide Outline

This guide largely consists of four modules which can take up to six hours in total to follow, depending on your current understanding of concept-based teaching and learning, the depth of your reflections and the extent to which you try out the suggestions in practice.

Guiding questions are used to frame the learning. These are used to intentionally model inquiry and promote engagement by inviting you as the learner to be active participants in the learning process.

Part 1: Getting Started with a bit of Concept-based Theory

Guiding Questions

  1. To what extent is your current practice concept-based?

  2. What is a concept?

  3. What is concept-based learning?

Part 2: Connecting Concept-based Theory with Practice

Guiding Questions

  1. Why concept-based learning?

  2. How can teacher beliefs impact student learning experiences?

  3. Which teaching approaches can support concept-based learning?

Part 3: Planning for your Concept-based Classroom

Guiding Questions

  1. How can you choose what concepts are right for your teaching?

  2. How can you plan to support students to build conceptual understandings?

  3. How can you support students to create strong understandings?

Part 4: Practice - Strategies and tools for your Concept-based Classroom

Guiding Questions

  1. What strategies can you use in practice to support concept-based learning?

  2. How can technology add value to your concept-based classroom?

  3. How can you design meaningful assessments?

Final Note

  1. Author Reflection

  2. Congratulations

  3. What’s Next?

  4. Further reading

Last updated