What strategies can you use in practice to support concept-based learning?
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A typical concept-based curriculum unit journey can have a predictable pattern, within a lesson or in a unit, and can include some of the following stages: engaging, focusing, investigating, organizing, generalizing, transferring and reflecting (Marschall and French, 2018).
Take a look at the fourteen strategies below, and choose one that you might want to try to incorporate into your current practice to scaffold student learning. In this section, you can focus on the sequential use of these strategies to support your students build conceptual understanding to increasingly complex levels.
Use strategies to support students move from initial levels of conceptual thinking, to more complex thinking levels where they can discover patterns and make connections between concepts in order to build strong conceptual understandings.
This is a great place to start to support initial levels of conceptual thinking - they are the precursor for more complex conceptual thinking. They can bring clarity and focus to the driving concepts and frame the learning.
Ask students to complete each section, outlining the concept definition and concept attributes
Invite students to sort examples and non-examples of a concept, providing less sophisticated examples to sort first
Students add their own examples and non-examples to connect to their prior knowledge
You can use this organizer in individual workbooks, tape it out on the floor for a kinesthetic group approach, or create a wall display version of the model
Concept Organisation
Organization strategies build on formation strategies, useful to support students to organize their thinking, find patterns and make connections between concepts.
Select keywords
Visual cues can replace longer text
Integrate other graphic organizers such as graphs and charts - simple grids can also provide a supportive organising framework to provide further scaffolding structure on which students can make their virtual notes
Use font size and colour to enhance importance or significance
Use arrows to link ideas and make connections
Encourage the use of English alongside mother tongue language to support translanguaging
Conceptual Understandings
As you move your students towards higher thinking levels, you can use strategies to support students articulate their understandings and connect concepts in strong relationships.
Co-construct a list of concepts with students throughout the unit, which includes the conceptual lens, driving concept and other concepts drawn through case studies​
Review concepts to ensure students know the meaning of all the concepts, by giving appropriate examples and non-examples
Ask students to make statements of understanding using the concept bank by choosing two or more concepts and state a relationship between them​
Pair this strategy with concept banks above to support students who are new to making conceptual understandings
Provide any part of the generalizing statement which draws on part of an idea
Students need to draw on their prior learning and are still required to investigate facts to complete the generalization​
Try Flipgrid for students to order, articulate and share ideas
Conceptual Transfer
Transfer is the purpose of the concept-based classroom. These strategies can support students to apply their learning and deepen understanding as they validate and justify, and consider the extent of transfer.
Students consider teacher created weak and strong generalization statements on a continuum line
Students then agree or disagree and explain with evidence the reasons for their opinion
Use think time and give opportunity for students to discuss ideas before asking students to commit to a response which can be written and added on the line