Create Your Wellness Plan: Where to Start?

Making the decision to create a personalised wellness plan requires reflection, determination and courage. Take a systematic approach, be organised, take small steps, make the change.

Here is a list of strategies to consider when you are creating your personalised wellness plan.

  • Use your Executive Functioning Strategies

    • Make a list and prioritise it

    • From your list choose 1 or 2 things to focus on

  • Start small making little changes

    • Find a class to learn about your new change

    • Read an article about your new change

  • Use your Calendar

    • Add it to your routine

    • Make it a habit

    • Do it daily until it is engrained

  • Do one thing different

    • Excellent strategy to get started

    • Helps to build change

    • Baby steps are important. Keep moving forward one small step at a time

Important thoughts to keep in mind:

Þ Take small steps – it is most important that you keep moving forward

Þ Use your calendar, make lists, be organised about enacting this change

Þ Prioritise – don’t try to do everything at once

Þ Use your network. Who will be your support?

Þ Practice self-compassion. Expect to make mistakes, you won’t get it perfect the first time around, keep coming back to the change you want to make

Þ When you plan your week, plan time to focus on your wellness plan

Þ Build this new practise into your routine.

Last updated