Learner profile attributes

The aim of all IB programmes is for students to develop and demonstrate international-mindedness. It is a multifaceted concept that captures a way of thinking, being and acting. Internationally minded students are open to others and to the world, and are cognizant of our deep interconnectedness (IB 2017). -PYP From Principles into Practice 'The learner profile - The IB mission statement in action”'section

Ongoing focus, reflection and action related to the attributes of the learner profile support students in their development of being Internationally minded. Like with related concepts, all attributes of the learner profile will authentically emerge for students in PYP classrooms. For the purpose of unit planning and providing a focused experience for students, it is recommended to select two or three attributes of the learner profile on which to draw focus and intentionality throughout the unit.

When selecting attributes of the learner profile, consider how students may have the opportunity to practice and strive for growth. When these aspects of the unit are purposefully planned, it is more likely that they will have the intended impact.

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