Setting Goals

With your vision defined, you can now start thinking about turning ideas into action by setting some goals for SEL implementation at your school. To help with this, CASEL’s Steps for Developing Goals for SEL tool runs you through the “SMARTIE” goal-setting process, helping you set goals that are:

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Attainable/ambitious

  • Relevant

  • Timebound

  • Inclusive

  • Equitable

Intended to be used alongside your SEL vision statement, the tool begins with a series of detailed questions that you can use to understand the concrete aims your goals are designed to achieve. It then provides some useful examples of some defined goals that you can take as guidance or adapt for your own school. Finally, there is a blank template that you can fill in with specific goals for your school, complete with space for you to note down the details, such as the what, when and how.

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