Writing the analysis and evaluation sections

This is the second article in a series about writing the IA in IB Psychology. (See also The IA in IB Psychology: Writing the introduction and the exploration sections)

In this article, we will provide some advice about the last two sections and also a PowerPoint that takes you through each element of these two sections.

Analysis (6 marks)

  • Include descriptive statistics to highlight the variability and spread of the data and inferential statistics to draw a conclusion about the significance of the data generated in terms of supporting your hypotheses.

    • Tips

      • Outline your results through written statements, a table and a correctly presented graph.

      • Explain why you used particular measures of central tendency and dispersion.

      • Explain why you used a particular test of significance.

      • Explicitly link your findings to the hypothesis.

      • Include a clear statement of whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected.

Evaluation (6 marks)

  • Include a discussion of the findings that link to the background theory you explained in the Introduction. Describe the strengths and limitations of your design, sampling and procedures. Suggest modifications.

    • Tips

      • You can identify simple mistakes that were made in the experiment but limitations also need to focus on the design and the sampling methods.

      • Modifications can focus on how more data or more effective data could be generated to arrive at a firmer conclusion. You can take one or both of the following approaches: link the modifications to the limitations you identified or suggest a whole new approach to the experimental design.

Download the PowerPoint Writing the IA Report- Analysis and Evaluation here:

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