
Standard level

Internal Assessment

Individual oral assessment. A conversation with the teacher, based on a visual stimulus, followed by discussion based on an additional theme

  • A: Language

  • B1: Message — visual stimulus

  • B2: Message — conversation

  • C: Interactive skills — communication

External Assessment

Paper 1. Productive skills — writing. One writing task of 250–400 words from a choice of three, each from a different theme, choosing a text type from among those listed in the examination instructions

  • A: Language

  • B: Message

  • C: Conceptual understanding

Paper 2. Receptive skills — separate sections for listening and reading

  • Comprehension exercises on three audio passages and three written texts, drawn from all five themes.

Higher Level

Internal Assessment

Individual oral assessment. A conversation with the teacher, based on an extract from one of the literary works studied in class, followed by discussion based on one or more of the themes from the syllabus

  • A: Language

  • B1: Message — literary extract

  • B2: Message — conversation

  • C: Interactive skills — communication

External Assessment

Paper 1. Productive skills — writing. One writing task of 450–600 words from a choice of three, each from a different theme, choosing a text type from among those listed in the examination instructions.

  • A: Language

  • B: Message

  • C: Conceptual understanding

Paper 2. Receptive skills — separate sections for listening and reading

  • Comprehension exercises on three audio passages and three written texts, drawn from all five themes

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