8. Sustainability
8. Sustainability
8.1 Sustainable development
Triple bottom line sustainability: environmental, economic and social
Decoupling: disconnecting economic growth and environmental impact so that one no longer depends on the other
The use of international and national laws to promote sustainable development
Sustainability reporting
Product stewardship
8.2 Sustainable consumption
Consumer attitudes and behaviours towards sustainability: eco-warriors, eco-champions, eco-fans, eco-phobes
Eco-labelling and energy labelling schemes
Creating a market for sustainable products: pricing considerations, stimulating demand for green products, production of green products
Pressure groups
Lifestyle and ethical consumerism
Implications of take-back legislation for designers, manufacturers and consumers
8.3 Sustainable design
Green design versus sustainable design
Datschefski’s five principles of sustainable design: cyclic, solar, safe, efficient, social
8.4 Sustainable innovation
Complexity and timescale of sustainable innovation
Top-down strategies
Bottom-up strategies
Government intervention in innovation
Macro energy sustainability
Micro energy sustainability
Energy security
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