Theatre Processes
The theatre processes area requires that students develop skills, knowledge and understanding in the following areas:
Creating theatre based on theatre theory (HL only):
Creating theatre based on theatre theory
Practically exploring at least one theatre theorist collaboratively
Engaging with the process of creating a piece of theatre based on their theory
Working with play texts (SL and HL):
Working with play texts
Taking part in the practical exploration of at least two contrasting published play texts
Engaging with the process of transforming a play text into action
Examining world theatre traditions (SL and HL)
Examining world theatre traditions
Practically examining the performance conventions of at least one world theatre tradition
Applying this to the staging of one particular moment of theatre
Collaboratively creating original theatre (SL and HL)
Collaboratively creating original theatre
Responding to at least one starting point (idea, issue, theme, non-dramatic text, music, object, image, event or site)
Engaging with the process of transforming it collaboratively into an original piece of theatre
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