5. Innovation and design
5. Innovation and design
5.1 Invention
Drivers for invention
The lone inventor
Intellectual property (IP)
Strategies for protecting IP: patents, trademarks, design protection, copyright.
First to market
Shelved technologies
5.2 Innovation
Invention and innovation
Categories of innovation: sustaining innovation, disruptive innovation, process innovation
Innovation strategies for design: architectural innovation, modular innovation, configurational innovation
Innovation strategies for markets: diffusion and suppression
5.3 Strategies for innovation
Act of insight
Technology transfer
Technology push
Market pull
5.4 Stakeholders in invention and innovation
The inventor, the product champion, the entrepreneur
The inventor as a product champion and/or entrepreneur
A multidisciplinary approach to innovation
5.5 Product life cycle
Key stages of the product life cycle: launch, growth, maturity, decline.
Obsolescence: planned, style (fashion), functional, technological
Predictability of the product life cycle
Product versioning/generations
5.6 Rogers’ characteristics of innovation and consumers
Diffusion and innovation
The impact of Rogers’ characteristics on consumer adoption of an innovation
Social roots of consumerism
The influence of social media on the diffusion of innovation
The influence of trends and the media on consumer choice
Categories of consumers in relation to technology adoption
5.7 Innovation, design and marketing specifications
Target markets
Target audiences
Market analysis
User need
Research methods
Design specifications
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