B. Engineering physics
B. Engineering physics
B.1 – Rigid bodies and rotational dynamics
Nature of science:
Modelling: The use of models has different purposes and has allowed scientists to identify, simplify and analyse a problem within a given context to tackle it successfully. The extension of the point particle model to actually consider the dimensions of an object led to many groundbreaking developments in engineering.
Moment of inertia
Rotational and translational equilibrium
Angular acceleration
Equations of rotational motion for uniform angular acceleration
Newton’s second law applied to angular motion
Conservation of angular momentum
Applications and skills:
Calculating torque for single forces and couples
Solving problems involving moment of inertia, torque and angular acceleration
Solving problems in which objects are in both rotational and translational equilibrium
Solving problems using rotational quantities analogous to linear quantities
Sketching and interpreting graphs of rotational motion
Solving problems involving rolling without slipping
B.2 – Thermodynamics
Nature of science:
Variety of perspectives: With three alternative and equivalent statements of the second law of thermodynamics, this area of physics demonstrates the collaboration and testing involved in confirming abstract notions such as this.
The first law of thermodynamics
The second law of thermodynamics
Cyclic processes and pV diagrams
Isovolumetric, isobaric, isothermal and adiabatic processes
Carnot cycle
Thermal efficiency
Applications and skills:
Describing the first law of thermodynamics as a statement of conservation of energy
Explaining sign convention used when stating the first law of thermodynamics as Q=ΔU+W
Solving problems involving the first law of thermodynamics
Describing the second law of thermodynamics in Clausius form, Kelvin form and as a consequence of entropy
Describing examples of processes in terms of entropy change
Solving problems involving entropy changes
Sketching and interpreting cyclic processes
Solving problems for adiabatic processes for monatomic gases using pV5/3 = constant
Solving problems involving thermal efficiency
Additional higher level
B.3 – Fluids and fluid dynamics
Nature of science:
Human understandings: Understanding and modelling fluid flow has been important in many technological developments such as designs of turbines, aerodynamics of cars and aircraft, and measurement of blood flow.
Density and pressure
Buoyancy and Archimedes’ principle
Pascal’s principle
Hydrostatic equilibrium
The ideal fluid
The continuity equation
The Bernoulli equation and the Bernoulli effect
Stokes’ law and viscosity
Laminar and turbulent flow and the Reynolds number
Applications and skills:
Determining buoyancy forces using Archimedes’ principle
Solving problems involving pressure, density and Pascal’s principle
Solving problems using the Bernoulli equation and the continuity equation
Explaining situations involving the Bernoulli effect
Describing the frictional drag force exerted on small spherical objects in laminar fluid flow
Solving problems involving Stokes’ law
Determining the Reynolds number in simple situations
B.4 – Forced vibrations and resonance
Nature of science:
Risk assessment: The ideas of resonance and forced oscillation have application in many areas of engineering ranging from electrical oscillation to the safe design of civil structures. In large-scale civil structures, modelling all possible effects is essential before construction.
Natural frequency of vibration
Q-factor and damping
Periodic stimulus and the driving frequency
Applications and skills:
Qualitatively and quantitatively describing examples of under-, over- and critically-damped oscillations
Graphically describing the variation of the amplitude of vibration with driving frequency of an object close to its natural frequency of vibration
Describing the phase relationship between driving frequency and forced oscillations
Solving problems involving Q factor
Describing the useful and destructive effects of resonance
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