Building on knowledge acquired through a detailed study of the texts in Topic 1, students can go on to develop their understanding of the following political concepts:
Liberty/Freedom and Toleration
Definitions of liberty/freedom:
‘negative’ and ‘positive’ freedom
historical development of the term
liberal, conservative, Marxist and anarchist views of freedom
Definitions of toleration:
historical development of the term
distinctions between tolerance and permissiveness
arguments for and against toleration
liberal, conservative, Marxist and anarchist views of toleration
Equality and Social Justice
Definitions of equality:
foundational equality, formal equality, equality of opportunity
equality of outcome
historical development of the term
liberal, conservative, Marxist and anarchist views of equality
Definitions of social justice:
historical development of the term and the controversy surrounding it
liberal, socialist and conservative models of social justice
Rights and Obligations
Definitions of rights:
moral rights
legal rights
negative and positive rights
historical development of rights
liberal, conservative, Marxist and anarchist views of rights
Definitions of obligations:
historical development of the term
arguments for and against the social contract theory of obligation
the limits of obligation
liberal, conservative, Marxist and anarchist views of obligations
Democracy and Representation
Definitions of democracy:
models of democracy (especially representative and direct)
historical development of the term
general arguments for and against democracy
liberal, conservative, Marxist and anarchist views of democracy
Definitions of representation:
different types of representation – trustee, delegate, mandate, resemblance
the limitations of representative democracy
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