Topic 6: The Effects of Globalization and the Dialogue with Europe 1985-2000
Perestroika and Glasnost.
The end of the Cold War.
The disintegration of the USSR and the emergence of Central Asian republics and new states in Eastern Europe.
New polarizations.
Developments in the middle east.
Political developments in Turkey.
The formation of the EU, and Turkey’s EU process.
The globalized world economy and its effects on Turkey: the flows of capital, labour and trade, the growth of inequality.
Turkey’s membership of the European Customs Union, and EU policies towards Turkey.
The political and cultural dimensions of globalization: the economic weakening of the nation-state; the sociology of terrorism; the search for new social identities; the growth of secularism, radicalism, and European efforts at socio-cultural integration.
Popular culture, media communications.
The growth of the Knowledge Society.
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