Theatre in Context


  • Personal context: identify their own personal contexts and understand the impact their interests, influences and inspirations have on their choices, approaches and interpretations; this includes taking into consideration their own geographical location, cultural background, skills and experiences and the impact these make on the sort of theatre that they create and present

  • Theoretical context: identify and understand the theatre theory that informs various play texts, theatre practices, theatre theorists and world theatre traditions across time and place; practically apply this understanding to their work

  • Cultural context: identify and understand the cultural, social, political and historical factors that affect theatre practice; practically apply this understanding to their work

Skills, knowledge and understanding:

  • The ability to research and analyse play texts, theatre theorists (HL only), world theatre traditions and performance practices from a variety of cultural contexts (SL and HL)

  • Experience the practical presentation and performance skills of theatre practices from a variety of cultures, through workshops, practical engagement and experimentation with skills particular to these practices

  • The ability to appreciate critically theatre performances from a diverse range of theatre practices from various cultural contexts, and to discern the relationship between performance and any theory that may inform it

  • An appreciation of the cultural, aesthetic and intellectual contexts from which theatre evolves and to which it contributes

  • The understanding of the significance of theatre and its impact on the lives of particular communities within a specific cultural context

Creating theatre based on theatre theory (HL only):

  • Creating theatre based on theatre theory

  • Researching and examining the various contexts of at least one theatre theorist

Working with play texts (SL and HL):

  • Working with play texts

  • Researching and examining the various contexts of at least one published play text

  • Reflecting on live theatre moments they have experienced as spectators

Examining world theatre traditions (SL and HL):

  • Examining world theatre traditions

  • Researching and examining the various contexts of at least one world theatre tradition

Collaboratively creating original theatre (SL and HL):

  • Collaboratively creating original theatre

  • Researching and examining the various contexts of at least one starting point (idea, issue, theme, non-dramatic text, music, object, image, event or site)

  • Researching and examining the various contexts of at least one professional theatre company that collaboratively creates original work

  • Reflecting on their own personal approaches, interests and skills in theatre

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