Topic 1: Numbers and Algebra


  • Essential understandings

    • Number and algebra allow us to represent patterns, show equivalencies and make generalizations which enable us to model real-world situations. Algebra is an abstraction of numerical concepts and employs variables which allow us to solve mathematical problems.

  • Suggested concepts embedded in this topic

    • Generalization, representation, modelling, equivalence, patterns, quantity

    • AHL: Validity, systems.

  • Content-specific conceptual understandings:

    • Modelling real-life situations with the structure of arithmetic and geometric sequences and series allows for prediction, analysis and interpretation.

    • Different representations of numbers enable equivalent quantities to be compared and used in calculations with ease to an appropriate degree of accuracy.

    • Numbers and formulae can appear in different, but equivalent, forms, or representations, which can help us to establish identities.

    • Formulae are a generalization made on the basis of specific examples, which can then be extended to new examples.

    • Logarithm laws provide the means to find inverses of exponential functions which model real-life situations.

    • Patterns in numbers inform the development of algebraic tools that can be applied to find unknowns.

    • The binomial theorem is a generalization which provides an efficient method for expanding binomial expressions.

    • AHL: Proof serves to validate mathematical formulae and the equivalence of identities.

    • AHL: Representing partial fractions and complex numbers in different forms allows us to easily carry out seemingly difficult calculations.

    • AHL: The solution for systems of equations can be carried out by a variety of equivalent algebraic and graphical methods.

SL Content

  • SL 1.1

    • Operations with numbers in the form a×10ka \times 10^k where 1a<101 \leq a < 10 and kk is an integer.

  • SL 1.2

    • Arithmetic sequences and series.

    • Use of the formulae for the nthn^{\mathrm{th}} term and the sum of the first nn terms of the sequence.

    • Use of sigma notation for sums of arithmetic sequences.

    • Applications.

    • Analysis, interpretation and prediction where a model is not perfectly arithmetic in real life.

  • SL 1.3

    • Geometric sequences and series.

    • Use of the formulae for the nthn^{\mathrm{th}} term and the sum of the first nn terms of the sequence.

    • Use of sigma notation for the sums of geometric sequences.

    • Applications.

  • SL 1.4

    • Financial applications of geometric sequences and series:

      • compound interest

      • annual depreciation.

  • SL 1.5

    • Laws of exponents with integer exponents.

    • Introduction to logarithms with base 10 and ee .

    • Numerical evaluation of logarithms using technology.

  • SL 1.6

    • Simple deductive proof, numerical and algebraic; how to lay out a left-hand side to right-hand side (LHS to RHS) proof.

    • The symbols and notation for equality and identity.

  • SL 1.7

    • Laws of exponents with rational exponents.

    • Laws of logarithms.

      • logaxy=logax+logay\log_a xy=\log_a x + \log_a y

      • logaxy=logaxlogay\log_a \frac{x}{y} = \log_a x - \log_a y

      • logaxm=mlogax\log_a x^m=m \log_a x

      • for a,x,y>0a, x, y > 0

    • Change of base algorithm.

      • logax=logbxlogbalog_a x=\frac{log_b x}{log_b a} , for a,b,x>0a, b, x>0

    • Solving exponential equations, including using logarithms.

  • SL 1.8

    • Sum of infinite convergent geometric sequences.

  • AHL 1.9

    • The binomial theorem: expansion of (a+b)n,nN(a+b)^n, n \in \mathbf{N}

    • Use of Pascal's triangle and CrnC_r^n

AHL Content

  • AHL 1.10

    • Counting principles, including permutations and combinations.

    • Extension of the binomial theorem to fractional and negative indices, ie (a+b)n,nQ(a+b)^n, n \in \mathbf{Q}

  • AHL 1.11

    • Partial fractions.

  • AHL 1.12

    • Complex numbers: the number ii , where i2=1i^2=-1 .

    • Cartesian form: z=a+biz=a+bi ; the terms real part, imaginary part, conjugate, modulus and argument.

    • The complex plane.

  • AHL 1.13

    • Modulus–argument (polar) form: z=r(cosθ+isinθ)=rcisθz=r(\cos \theta + i \sin \theta)=rcis \theta

    • Euler form: z=reiθz=re^{i \theta}

    • Sums, products and quotients in Cartesian, polar or Euler forms and their geometric interpretation.

  • AHL 1.14

    • Complex conjugate roots of quadratic and polynomial equations with real coefficients.

    • De Moivre’s theorem and its extension to rational exponents.

    • Powers and roots of complex numbers.

  • AHL 1.15

    • Proof by mathematical induction.

    • Proof by contradiction.

    • Use of a counterexample to show that a statement is not always true.

  • AHL 1.16

    • Solutions of systems of linear equations (a maximum of three equations in three unknowns), including cases where there is a unique solution, an infinite number of solutions or no solution.

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