Topic 1: Number and Algebra


  • Essential understandings

    • Number and algebra allow us to represent patterns, show equivalencies and make generalizations which enable us to model real-world situations. Algebra is an abstraction of numerical concepts and employs variables to solve mathematical problems.

  • Suggested concepts embedded in this topic

    • Generalization, representation, modelling, equivalence, approximation, quantity

    • AHL: Systems, relationships.

  • Content-specific conceptual understandings:

    • Modelling real-life situations with the structure of arithmetic and geometric sequences and series allows for prediction, analysis and interpretation.

    • Different representations of numbers enable quantities to be compared and used for computational purposes with ease and accuracy.

    • Numbers and formulae can appear in different, but equivalent forms, or representations, which can help us to establish identities.

    • Formulae are a generalization made on the basis of specific examples, which can then be extended to new examples

    • Mathematical financial models such as compounded growth allow computation, evaluation and interpretation of debt and investment both approximately and accurately.

    • Approximation of numbers adds uncertainty or inaccuracy to calculations, leading to potential errors but can be useful when handling extremely large or small quantities.

    • Quantities and values can be used to describe key features and behaviours of functions and models, including quadratic functions.

    • AHL: Utilizing complex numbers provides a system to efficiently simplify and solve problems.

    • AHL: Matrices allow us to organize data so that they can be manipulated and relationships can be determined.

    • AHL: Representing abstract quantities using complex numbers in different forms enables the solution of real-life problems.

SL Content

  • SL 1.1

    • Operations with numbers in the form a×10ka \times 10^k where 1a<101 \leq a < 10 and kk is an integer.

  • SL 1.2

    • Arithmetic sequences and series.

    • Use of the formulae for the nthn^{\mathrm{th}} term and the sum of the first nn terms of the sequence.

    • Use of sigma notation for sums of arithmetic sequences.

    • Applications.

    • Analysis, interpretation and prediction where a model is not perfectly arithmetic in real life.

  • SL 1.3

    • Geometric sequences and series.

    • Use of the formulae for the nthn^{\mathrm{th}} term and the sum of the first nn terms of the sequence.

    • Use of sigma notation for the sums of geometric sequences.

    • Applications.

  • SL 1.4

    • Financial applications of geometric sequences and series:

      • compound interest

      • annual depreciation.

  • SL 1.5

    • Laws of exponents with integer exponents.

    • Introduction to logarithms with base 10 and ee .

    • Numerical evaluation of logarithms using technology.

  • SL 1.6

    • Approximation: decimal places, significant figures.

    • Upper and lower bounds of rounded numbers.

    • Percentage errors.

    • Estimation.

  • SL 1.7

    • Amortization and annuities using technology.

  • SL 1.8

    • Use technology to solve:

      • Systems of linear equations in up to 3 variables

      • Polynomial equations

AHL Content

  • AHL 1.9

    • Laws of logarithms:

      • logaxy=logax+logay\log_a xy=\log_a x + \log_a y

      • logaxy=logaxlogay\log_a \frac{x}{y} = \log_a x - \log_a y

      • logaxm=mlogax\log_a x^m=m \log_a x

      • for a,x,y>0a, x, y > 0

  • AHL 1.10

    • Simplifying expressions, both numerically and algebraically, involving rational exponents.

  • AHL 1.11

    • The sum of infinite geometric sequences.

  • AHL 1.12

    • Complex numbers: the number ii such that i2=1i^2=-1 . Cartesian form: z=a+biz=a+bi ; the terms real part, imaginary part, conjugate, modulus and argument.

    • Calculate sums, differences, products, quotients, by hand and with technology. Calculating powers of complex numbers, in Cartesian form, with technology.

    • The complex plane.

    • Complex numbers as solutions to quadratic equations of the form ax2+bx+c,a0ax^2 + bx + c, a \neq 0 , with real coefficients where b24ac<0b^2 - 4ac < 0 .

  • AHL 1.13

    • Modulus–argument (polar) form: z=r(cosθ+isinθ)=rcisθz=r(\cos \theta + i \sin \theta)=rcis \theta

    • Exponential form: z=reθz=re^{\theta}

    • Conversion between Cartesian, polar and exponential forms, by hand and with technology.

    • Calculate products, quotients and integer powers in polar or exponential forms.

    • Adding sinusoidal functions with the same frequencies but different phase shift angles.

    • Geometric interpretation of complex numbers.

  • AHL 1.14

    • Definition of a matrix: the terms element, row, column and order for m×nm \times n matrices.

    • Algebra of matrices: equality; addition; subtraction; multiplication by a scalar for m×nm \times n matrices.

    • Multiplication of matrices. Properties of matrix multiplication:

    • associativity, distributivity and non-commutativity.

    • Identity and zero matrices.

    • Determinants and inverses of n×nn \times n matrices with technology, and by hand for 2×22 \times 2 matrices.

    • Awareness that a system of linear equations can be written in the form Ax=bAx=b .

    • Solution of the systems of equations using inverse matrix.

  • AHL 1.15

    • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

    • Characteristic polynomial of 2×22 \times 2 matrices.

    • Diagonalization of 2×22 \times 2 matrices (restricted to the

    • case where there are distinct real eigenvalues).

    • Applications to powers of 2×22 \times 2 matrices.

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